In With A Bang And Out With A Whimper
April 29, 2016
That is how the expectations for US economic activity went in the first quarter….again.
Q2 2016- Quarterly Outlook
April 18, 2016
If you closed your eyes during the quarter, you missed one heck of a ride.
What Is Right Is Not Always Popular
April 11, 2016
You can feel it around the world – people are mad.
Blue Current Global Dividend Strategy Recent Performance
April 08, 2016
Check out how our Blue Current Global Dividend Strategy has recently performed
Japan is Tankan, US employment looks good, and Saudis make headlines.
April 05, 2016
Confidence is “tanking” in Japan, The jobs report in the United States showed some good news, And the Saudis made headlines as Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave a basic outline of strategy as the kingdom moves forward with an initial public offering (IPO) of Aramco.